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WestConnex: (Stage 3B), NSW

(Rozelle Interchange, including Iron Cove Link)

WestConnex: (Stage 3B), NSW
Roads & Maritime Services (RMS)
Project Value:
$3.9 billion
Years of Service:
2018 - 2019
Services Provided:
  • Transaction Management Services

WestConnex is Australia’s largest road project and is part of an integrated transport plan to keep Sydney moving. The new 33 km motorway will ease congestion and provide vital support for Sydney’s long-term economic and population growth.


When completed, WestConnex project will:

  • widen the M4 Motorway and extend it with underground tunnels between Homebush and Haberfield
  • double road capacity along the M5 corridor with the New M5 underground tunnels running between St Peters and Kingsgrove
  • provide an underground link between the extended M4 and New M5 motorways, and
  • link to the Sydney Airport and Port precinct.

The Rozelle Interchange is one of six WestConnex projects, and was originally being delivered by RMS, but is now being delivered by Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW). The Interchange will be transferred to the PPP concessionaire when it is complete. The Rozelle Interchange package includes the design and delivery of an interchange at Rozelle, built largely underground from the disused Rozelle Rail Yards. The interchange will connect to the surrounding road network, provide a direct underground link to the southern abutment of the Iron Cove Bridge and enable connectivity to the future Western Harbour Tunnel.


As the transaction services provider for the Rozelle Interchange for RMS, ConnellGriffin was responsible for managing the procurement of the following packages:

  • Rozelle Interchange - $3.9 billion D&C contract to be included in M4-M5 Link Project Deed (PPP), and
  • Independent Certifier Deed for Rozelle Interchange (applicable to the D&C and O&M phases).

The services provided by our Advisors included:

  • using their industry expertise to develop and implement an innovative Collaborative Client Contractor (CCC) model, which delivered value-for- money for the State
  • preparing the Stage 1 and Stage 2 RFP documents
  • managing correspondence between Proponents and RMS (including reviewing proposed responses from the project team to Proponent queries from commercial and technical perspectives)
  • managing the evaluation of proposals, for both non- price and price evaluation workstreams (including managing the clarification of Proposals for RMS)
  • presenting and reporting on the outcomes of the evaluation
  • facilitating issue resolution, and appropriately capturing agreed positions in the contract and technical documentation, and
  • providing a high level of commercial and technical support during negotiations and contract finalisation with the Preferred Proponent.
  • The transaction team coordinated inputs from the project team, including from the technical advisors (i.e. scope requirements and technical specifications) and legal advisors (i.e. deed). For the Rozelle Interchange, our Advisors managed the transaction process using principles developed as part of the ‘Accelerated Procurement’ delivery strategy deployed for the NorthConnex PPP.


Our Advisors were an integral part of the team that was responsible for ensuring the successful procurement of the project. Key successes that our Advisors actively drove included:

  • meeting the tight procurement timeframes
  • securing strong market participation and competitive tension until contract award
  • resolving technical and contractual departures in a timely manner, while promoting RMS’ quality and risk objectives, and
  • passing all applicable INSW Gateway Reviews.


  • M4 connections: connecting the M4 Motorway predominantly via tunnels (Main Tunnel Works project) with the Anzac Bridge and future Western Harbour Tunnel
  • M5 connections: connecting the M5 Motorway predominantly via tunnels (Main Tunnel Works project) with the City West Link, Iron Cove Link and future Western Harbour Tunnel
  • Iron Cove Link: connection Victoria Road via tunnels with the Anzac Bridge and the M5 Motorway
  • surface works, including: widening and intersection works to City West Link, The Crescent and Victoria Road, a new City West Link culvert (including outlet works at Rozelle Bay), works to Victoria Road underpass, 10 hectares of new public open space located at the Rozelle Rail Yards, and high quality active transport links
  • ancillary facilities within the Rozelle Rail Yards, including: motorway operation facilities, supply and exhaust ventilation buildings, fire services, electrical services, water treatment plant, residual utility adjustments, and wetland, and
  • ancillary facilities at the Iron Cove Link portals, including: motorway operation facilities, ventilation outlets, substation, bio-retention basin and utility adjustments.

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