When completed, WestConnex project will:
The Rozelle Interchange is one of six WestConnex projects, and was originally being delivered by RMS, but is now being delivered by Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW). The Interchange will be transferred to the PPP concessionaire when it is complete. The Rozelle Interchange package includes the design and delivery of an interchange at Rozelle, built largely underground from the disused Rozelle Rail Yards. The interchange will connect to the surrounding road network, provide a direct underground link to the southern abutment of the Iron Cove Bridge and enable connectivity to the future Western Harbour Tunnel.
As the transaction services provider for the Rozelle Interchange for RMS, ConnellGriffin was responsible for managing the procurement of the following packages:
The services provided by our Advisors included:
Our Advisors were an integral part of the team that was responsible for ensuring the successful procurement of the project. Key successes that our Advisors actively drove included:
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