The Project
The majority of leased federal airports are subject to a planning framework defined in the Airports Act 1996. As part of the planning framework, these airports (which include Sydney Airport) are required to prepare a master plan that incorporates an environment strategy and a ground transport plan.
The master plan is a 20 year strategic vision for the airport site which must be renewed every five years. The master plan includes future land uses, types of permitted development, and noise and environmental impacts. The environment strategy sets out the airport's strategy to manage environmental issues within a 5 year period and beyond.The ground transport plan outlines how it is proposed to maximise the efficient movement of people (employees, passengers and other airport users) and freight at the airport over the next five years.
The role of an airport master plan is to:
- Establish a strategic direction for the airport;
- Provide for the development of the airport site;
- Indicate to the public the intended uses of the site;
- Reduce potential conflicts between uses of the site; and
- Ensure that uses of the site are compatible with areas surrounding the airport.
In developing their master plans, airports must publish a Preliminary Draft Master Plan and invite public comment. Following the public consultation, the airport must then submit a Draft Master Plan to the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, for a decision. The Minister must either approve or refuse to approve the Draft Master Plan. In order to meet the Federal Government’s timeline, Sydney Airport Corporation had to submit its Draft Master Plan to the Minister by December 2013.
Our Services
Sydney Airport Corporation initially engaged our advisor to help plan and deliver the Master Plan 2033 and assist with preliminary planning of the associated New Development Concept.
As Program Manager, our Advisor's role included:
- Reviewing the requirements of the Airport Act 1996 in relation to the Master Plan content and process;
- Facilitating workshops to identify all the tasks required, inter-relationships between tasks, timing for each task, and allocating responsibilities for each task;
- Setting up working groups to deliver each of the components of the Master Plan;
- Developing high-level and detailed schedules for the Master Plan for monitoring and control purposes;
- Supporting Sydney Airport personnel during an extensive stakeholder consultation process;
- Management support to the Project Control Group and the Steering Committee to ensure that key issues were escalated and decisions were made in a timely manner;
- Facilitating risk management workshops and developing a risk register to monitor and control risks to the Master Plan process; and
- Coordinating the delivery, review and approval of the Master Plan documents for public exhibition and submission.
Key Outcomes
Sydney Airport placed its Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2033 on public exhibition in June 2013. Following a ‘due regard’ process, the airport submitted the Draft Master Plan to the Australian Government in December 2013. The Master Plan 2033 was approved by the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development in February 2014 – on program.
Our Advisor was able to use his deep knowledge of previous developments and master planning at the airport to advise on potential issues and how to deal with them. Paul’s close monitoring of the Master Plan process and ‘dashboard’ reporting greatly assisted Sydney Airport in delivering the Preliminary Draft Master Plan for public exhibition within a very tight timeframe.