Application Form

General Information

Questions marked "*" are mandatory

What is your full name and email address?*

How would you describe yourself?*

Are you applying for ConnellGriffin’s Undergraduate Program or Young Professional Program?*

What is your current Australian visa/citizenship status?*

What is your current state of residence? This helps us manage our application process.*

Which office are you applying to? You may select more than one.*

If more than one office is selected, please list your preference.


Tell us about you

Which University are you studying at/did you study at?*

What degree(s) are you currently studying/did you study?*

What year do you anticipate you will complete your studies in? Or what year did you complete your studies?*

What are your interests/hobbies outside of University?*

What is/was your university average mark? Please specify whether WAM (out of 100) or GPA (out of 4.0) is/was used.

Please briefly list your work experience (role, title, company) in dot points.

Please briefly list your extracurricular activities/involvement in dot points.


Tell us about ConnellGriffin

What attracted you to ConnellGriffin?*

In your own words describe what you understand ConnellGriffin does?*

Which of ConnellGriffin's service lines interests you most?*

What skills and/or experience do you have that you think will be beneficial to ConnellGriffin and the service lines you have chosen?*


Additional Information

Please list any additional information relevant to your application.

Upload your CV*

Select a file from your computer...


Upload your cover letter

Select a file from your computer...


Upload your Academic Transcript*

Select a file from your computer...


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