As part of Revitalising Newcastle, the Government is delivering light rail, the Newcastle Interchange, better transport services, road and intersection upgrades, and revitalisation of land in the former heavy rail corridor, including improved public spaces.
Major construction of the light rail finished in late 2018 and services began operating in February 2019.
The alignment is 2.7 km long, running from Newcastle Interchange at Wickham to Newcastle Beach in Newcastle East. Stops are located at Newcastle Interchange, Honeysuckle (near Hunter Street TAFE), Civic, Crown Street, Market Street and Pacific Park.
Our Advisors acted as the procurement managers for the Newcastle Light Rail project and delivered the following services:
Our Advisors worked within the integrated project team through all phases of the procurement of this significant project for TfNSW. Our Advisors’ leadership and experience resulted in timeframes being met and high-quality outcomes being achieved for the client.
Some of the key outcomes of our Advisors’ involvement includes:
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