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Newcastle Light Rail, NSW

Procurement and Transaction Advisory

Newcastle Light Rail, NSW
Transport for NSW
Project Value:
$150 million
Years of Service:
2015 - 2016
Services Provided:
  • Transaction Management 
  • Delivery Strategy

The NSW Government has committed more than $500 million to reenergise Newcastle’s city centre through the Revitalising Newcastle program.


As part of Revitalising Newcastle, the Government is delivering light rail, the Newcastle Interchange, better transport services, road and intersection upgrades, and revitalisation of land in the former heavy rail corridor, including improved public spaces.

Major construction of the light rail finished in late 2018 and services began operating in February 2019.

The alignment is 2.7 km long, running from Newcastle Interchange at Wickham to Newcastle Beach in Newcastle East. Stops are located at Newcastle Interchange, Honeysuckle (near Hunter Street TAFE), Civic, Crown Street, Market Street and Pacific Park.


Our Advisors acted as the procurement managers for the Newcastle Light Rail project and delivered the following services:

  • managing the Registration of Interest (ROI) phase for the Newcastle Light Rail Managing Contractor, including preparing the ROI documentation (including evaluation methodology), conducting an industry briefing in Newcastle, resolving industry queries during the tender process, coordinating probity issues with the nominated probity advisor, managing the ROI evaluation, shortlisting companies for the tender phase, and conducting ROI de-briefs sessions
  • managing the tender phase for the Newcastle Light Rail
  • Fixed Infrastructure Contract (Managing Contract) including preparing tender documentation (including the evaluation methodology), conducting an industry briefing, tenderer interactives, resolving industry queries, coordinating probity issues with the nominated probity advisor, managing the tender evaluation process (including post-tender presentations) and conducting tenderer de-briefs sessions
  • preparing the final managing contractor contract for the Newcastle Light Rail - Fixed Infrastructure Contract for contract execution, including coordination with TfNSW legal counsel, commercial and procurement departments
  • delivering the Delivery Strategy report for the Newcastle Light Rail report following the outcomes of workshops held during the project inception
  • preparing and coordinating the TfNSW internal approvals for the Delivery Strategy for the Newcastle Light Rail, ROI and tender documents, evaluation methodology, tender recommendations and the final contract documents for execution, and
  • supporting the minor works early packages and external consultant engagement for the Newcastle Light Rail project with various minor procurement activities.


Our Advisors worked within the integrated project team through all phases of the procurement of this significant project for TfNSW. Our Advisors’ leadership and experience resulted in timeframes being met and high-quality outcomes being achieved for the client.

Some of the key outcomes of our Advisors’ involvement includes:

  • preparing the Delivery Strategy report and obtaining the subsequent approval of the strategy
  • coordinating, supporting and successfully completing the ROI phase, including developing high-quality tender documents
  • coordinating the various teams, including client, legal, environmental and technical advisors
  • supporting TfNSW during the tender period, including responding to requests for comment raised by tenderers and resolving various issues, which led to the drafting and issuing of addenda
  • preparing of the evaluation strategy and evaluation plan
  • ensuring compliance with the deed requirements and providing effective and responsive commercial advice
  • coordinating of the evaluation phase, and
  • coordinating and preparing the final contract documents.

CG Team Members Involved:

Richard Jones Richard Jones Director

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