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Cross River Rail, QLD

Cross River Rail, QLD
Cross River Rail Delivery Authority
Project Value:
Circa. $6.3b
Years of Service:
2019 - 2022
Services Provided:
  • Transaction and Commercial Advisory Services

Cross River Rail is a new 10.2 km rail line from Dutton Park to Bowen Hills, which includes 5.9 km’s of twin tunnels under the Brisbane River and the CBD.

The projects that ConnellGriffin’s team were engaged on were:

  • Precincts Planning and Assessment
  • Brownfield - European Train Control System
  • Brownfield – Southern Tunnel Portal


ConnellGriffin’s team members were engaged by the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority to provide a range of services across several projects within the Cross River Rail portfolio. Our Advisors were engaged across a range of roles as part of an integrated team comprising Cross River Rail employees, Department of Transport and Main Roads employees, Queensland Rail employees and other external service providers. Many of our team members led teams and were accountable for key commercial outcomes on these packages.

The services provided have been grouped by the phase they were delivered in.

Pre-Procurement Phase:

  • Strategic review of issues with the ETCS design and construction contract to help inform the contract model review and subsequent re-contracting under an alliance model.

Procurement Phase:

  • Management of construction, testing and commissioning planning between Queensland Rail, Cross River Rail Delivery Authority and the preferred tenderer to develop a detailed site access schedule.
  • Management of the early services contract with the preferred tenderer, including all commercial matters, progress payments and alignment activities between the preferred ETCS tenderer and the other Cross River Rail packages (tunnel, stations, and development and rail, integration, and systems)
  • Coordination with the broader transaction team on a range of matters including interactive tender meetings with the preferred tenderer.
  • Documenting key discussions and outcomes from tender interactives.
  • Briefing management on key issues, risks and actions to achieve contract execution.
  • Worked closely with external legal advisors in preparation of contract and associated schedules.

Transitional Phase (transition from Pre-contract to Delivery):

  • Managing the close out of the early works contract including all commercial matters.
  • Management of critical interfaces milestones between ETCS and the other Cross River Rail packages.
  • Working with Queensland Rail and the Contractor to facilitate seamless site possession during delivery phase.
  • Developing register of key milestones, commitments and actions for the first six months of the project including development of the Contractor’s management plans, decision points for provisional items and critical dates for Principal and Queensland Rail supplied items.

Post Contract (Implementation) Phase:

  • Managing key packages of work in the brownfield rail environment including the Shorncliffe ETCS Pilot Line.
  • Reviewing monthly progress payment claims.
  • Developing Principal led variation requests.
  • Critically assessing Contractor variation claims.
  • Managing contractual obligations associated with the Contractor accessing Queensland Rail’s rail corridor.
  • Working with Cross River Rail Delivery Authority, TMR and Queensland Rail Commercial, Property and Legal teams to ensure best value for the State on contractual matters impacting multiple state agencies.
  • Managing key aspects of the Queensland Rail Cooperation Agreement that integrated the rail operator and asset owner into the project.


The ConnellGriffin team was able to successfully integrate into the project team and deliver the following project outcomes:

  • ETCS early works contract completed on schedule and within budget, with all key deliverables achieved.
  • ETCS tender awarded and project integrated with other Cross River Rail packages.
  • Detailed ETCS possessions (track closure) schedule agreed with the Contractor and Queensland Rail, including significant alignment with other planned track closures (Cross River Rail, Queensland Rail).

CG Team Members Involved:

Scott Dickson Scott Dickson Executive Advisor Andrew Dorman Andrew Dorman Senior Advisor

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