The Great Western Highway Upgrade Program (GWHUP) will result in 34 kilometres of four lane divided highway between Katoomba at Rowan Lane and Lithgow / South Bowenfels at Magpie Hollow Road. The GWHUP is divided into three main sections: East, West and Central.
The East section consists of the upgrade of the Great Western Highway (GWH) between Katoomba and Blackheath into a four-lane divided carriageway and is a total of approximately 7.2km.
The West Section consists of the upgrade of the GWH between Little Hartley and Lithgow into a four-lane divided carriageway. The West Section is a total of 14.2km and is primarily made up of the 11.9km West Package and the 2.3 km Coxs River Road Construct Only package.
The Medlow Bath package involves the upgrade of the existing GWH to a four-lane divided carriageway allowing for two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a central median with planted trees.
The Coxs River Road package consists of 2.5 km of the GWH. The works include earthworks, pavements, stormwater drainage, footpaths/ pedestrian access, bridgeworks, retaining walls, public utility adjustments/ protection, street lighting, property adjustments, and landscaping.
ConnellGriffin is providing Transaction Advisory and Commercial Management Services to TfNSW for the Program. For the East and West Packages, our services include:
Additionally, for the Construct Only packages (Medlow Bath and Coxs River Road), our services include:
Key successes associated with the services include:
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