The 2018 Randwick Place Strategy recognised governance was key to optimising place outcomes, but that no single structure existed to pursue all of the actions it identified. In 2019, the RCA Group formed to explore governance structures and related actions together and appointed ConnellGriffin as Program Director.
The RCA Group wanted an independent Program Director to advise on appropriate governance structures, coordinate activities and develop relationships to build capacity for pursuing priority outcomes together.
As Program Director, ConnellGriffin Advisors have facilitated more than 20 RCA Group meetings and workshops to promote insight sharing, stronger relationships and group focus. The role has also supported new connections and the profile of the RCA Group within related organisations and government agencies.
Within 18 months of our Advisors joining the program, the RCA Group delivered:
The primary challenge is for RCA Group members to allocate enough time and internal resources towards joint activities that support the outcomes envisaged in the Randwick Place Strategy. While RCA Group members are closely aligned around several priority outcomes, inevitable conflicts arise where interests compete or policy positions differ. In this context, the key issue for successful collaboration is to find ways to share each member’s perspective and enable the Group to connect related staff and overlapping work so that, by working together, the members can pool resources or attract external funding and support from new partners to scale outcomes.
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