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WestConnex: Stage 2 (New M5), NSW

WestConnex: Stage 2 (New M5), NSW
Sydney Motorway Corporation
Project Value:
$4.3 billion
Years of Service:
2014 - 2015
Services Provided:
  • D&C Contract Transaction Management

WestConnex is one of Australia’s largest road projects, linking Sydney’s west and south-west with the city, airport and port in a 33 km continuous motorway.


Opened to traffic in mid-2020, the $4 billion WestConnex Stage 2, or the New M5, provides an alternative route between the M5 Motorway and St Peters, reducing congestion on the M5 East, saving travel time for motorists and providing the ability for future efficient motorway-standard connections with WestConnex M4-M5 Link, the airport, Port Botany, as well as the potential Southern Connector.

The New M5 tunnels have more than doubled the capacity of the M5 East corridor, improving travel times and reliability for the 100,000 motorists that use this key route every day. 

Key features of the new M5 include:

  • 9 km of new motorway tunnels
  • widening and realigning the existing M5 East Motorway just east of King Georges Road
  • a new interchange at St Peters
  • enhanced and upgraded local streets near St Peters Interchange
  • 14 km of new and upgraded shared, pedestrian and cycle paths, including new bridges across Alexandra Canal and Campbell Road, St Peters, and
  • a land bridge linking Sydney Park with new public open space at the St Peters Interchange.


Our Advisor led the transaction service provider team that procured the D&C contractor for the New M5. The transaction team was responsible for:

  • developing the procurement strategy
  • preparing the Expression of Interest (EOI) and Request for Tender (RFT) documentation
  • managing correspondence between tenderers and Sydney Motorway Corporation (SMC), including reviewing proposed responses from the project team to tenderer queries
  • managing the evaluation of EOIs and tenders, including non-price and price evaluation workstreams (including managing the clarification of tender submissions by SMC);
  • resolving issues and appropriately capturing agreed positions in the contract and technical documentation, and
  • providing a high level of commercial and technical support during negotiations and contract finalisation with the Preferred Tenderer.


Our Advisors were requested by WestConnex Delivery Authority (now SMC) to design, deliver and lead the procurement phase for the M4 East to ensure extremely tight deadlines could be met.

  • Our Advisors led the integrated team throughout the procurement process to contract execution, including the tender period, evaluation and negotiation phases. Our Advisors worked closely with SMC and Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) on this iconic project and helped to resolve technical and commercial issues throughout the procurement phase. As a result of our Advisors’ outstanding performance, the project saved approximately 12-15 months on program.
  • Our Advisors were credited with being one of the key drivers to SMC meeting its tight deadlines and budget. Outcomes from services provided by ConnellGriffin include:
  • effective and responsive leadership throughout the transaction of the D&C Contractor
  • coordination of the large project team, including technical, construction, communications, environmental and commercial teams
  • rapid resolution of various complex technical and commercial issues
  • interface with RMS on behalf of SMC, and
  • overall accountability for the transaction.

Ultimately for the M4 East, a 15-month time saving was achieved for D&C contract award when compared with conventional procurement methods.

The transaction team (led by our Advisor) coordinated inputs from the project team including from the technical advisors (i.e. SWTC) and legal advisors (i.e. D&C Deed). For the New M5, our Advisor managed the transaction process using principles developed as part of the ‘Accelerated Procurement’ delivery strategy he assisted in deploying for NorthConnex.

CG Team Members Involved:

Richard Martin Richard Martin Executive Director

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